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Información básica sobre el parche 1.5 de asimetría
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Información básica sobre el parche 1.5 de asimetría
Saludos, aquí les paso un poco de información y curiosidades que he encontrado o probado que ocurre y que no he visto mencionadas en otras partes del foro sobre el , básicamente información útil para novatos y no tan novatos.
Me he quedado un poco ambivalente si poner este post en Más Spore o Tutoriales, ya que tiene info de Spore que no encaja con Tutoriales, pero también tiene un par de trucos y avisos para los que editan con el parche así como métodos, y al ver el subforo de Más Spore la mayoría eran memes.
Me he quedado un poco ambivalente si poner este post en Más Spore o Tutoriales, ya que tiene info de Spore que no encaja con Tutoriales, pero también tiene un par de trucos y avisos para los que editan con el parche así como métodos, y al ver el subforo de Más Spore la mayoría eran memes.
(-) La gente conoce el parche 1.05.001 como 1.05,1.5, 5.1, parche 5 o "el parche de asimetría", aunque 1.05 y 1.05.001 en realidad tienen diferencias sutiles, relativas a que el 1.05.001 arregla tres bugs del 1.05.000. (-) A pesar del nombre y del icono, este parche aporta bastante más que asimetría, así que lee bien tanto la documentación asociada al parche como esta lista de datos útiles. (-) Lo que realmente da la asimetría de este parche no es el 1.05.001; es el 1.01.000 que el instalador del actualiza. Esta sección es también la que altera el comportamiento relativo a vehículos en aventuras galácticas, permitiendo montarte sobre un vehículo... y también causando ciertos problemas (ver abajo) (-) Este parche no es la única forma de lograr asimetría, solo la más simple para el usuario y la que cuesta menos complejidad sin recurrir a mods no oficiales. En versiones anteriores de Spore se puede hacer asimetría mediante, por ejemplo, el bug de las partes flotantes sobre una extremidad (pon una extramidad, bifúrcala en Y, pon una pieza o serie de piezas en el medio de tal forma que cada pieza no se duplique, y luego separa los extremos distales de la extremidad. Un brazo te permite mover la pieza mientras que el otro estará desconectado de la parte, efectivamente ayudando a mover una parte a dónde sea sin necesidad de tener un brazo tremendamente largo), que no causa incompatibilidades. Puede resultar muy útil tener el ejecutable asimétrico y el ejecutable anterior para aplicar este bug en ciertas situaciones que requieran de extremidades no invisibles con formas varias pero precisas y un componente flotante asociado asimétricamente, para luego utilizar la asimetría del parche y así reducir la complejidad, y así no requerir utilizar mods no oficiales especiales que podrían limitar la compatibilidad con versiones anteriores del juego. Si necesitas probar animaciones en la versión antigua y por lo que sea usas un set en el que el ejecutable antiguo está con el nuevo en el mismo sitio, deberás mover temporalmente el archivo EP1_PatchData.package (localizado en SPORE_EP1/Data/) a una carpeta temporal, y devolverlo a la carpeta Data cuando vayas a jugar con el 1.5 (o si no sufrirías de un glitch que causa que el juego se crashee al abrir la sporepedia) (-) Las creaciones con son compatibles con versiones previas siempre que usen partes válidas que ya existieran antes (aunque con algunos mods no oficiales que añaden herramientas que manipulen de manera no estética partes pre-existentes la situación puede cambiar). Las criaturas con partes asimétricas que cumplan este requisito son también jugables e incluso editables en versiones previas, pero manipular una parte asimétrica del en un editor pre-parche causará que esa parte se vuelva simétrica. (-) En contraste con lo anterior, existen ciertos mods no oficiales principalmente estéticos que requerirán tener al menos 1.01.000 para funcionar plenamente, aunque el 1.00.000 pueda leerlos sin causar que el juego se cierre. (-) El y sus actualizaciones relacionadas también tienen problemas y desventajas:
- Acá abajo parte de la changelog del :
Fixed issues:
* Object orientation near water or lava can appear incorrectly when Playing or Testing an Adventure.
* Fixes a crash in the Building Creator when holding Ctrl or Shift and moving a part.
Spore Improvements:
* Asymmetry is now available for creatures! Details on new Asymmetry features for Creatures and Vehicles can be found under the changelog.
* This patch fixes several crashes in Space Game.
* Many tuning improvements to Space Game, including reduced disaster rates at all levels of difficulty, adjustments to Hard Mode, increased limits on concurrent trade routes, as well as changes to tool unlocks for the Knights.
* Creator Lineage appears correctly for all creation types shared after this patch is installed.
* Cheat is included that permits Creators to export creatures in Collada format for use in Maya. Creators must acknowledge and accept a Tools EULA to perform this operation. An additional cheat has been provided to enable highest quality textures to appear on vehicles, where it is supported by user hardware.
* Fixed a problem where creations would go missing if a user quits the game in any way while downloads are in progress.
* Fixed a bug where achievements were disappearing.
* Fixed a bug where some Sporepedia cards had corrupted backgrounds.
* Fixed a problem in Space where some Grox planets were unreachable.
* YouTube movies now publish as public
Galactic Adventures Improvements:
* This patch must be installed again after installing Galactic Adventures, even if you have installed this patch previously.
* You can now place the avatar, NPCs, and handheld objects on top of air, land, and sea vehicles in the Adventure Creator. Get more info at the end of the changelog.
* Improvements are made to the Adventure Creator, including right-click camera behavior, and User Interface enhancements.
* In EP1 open gates were not working correctly when they were disguised
* Some customer-reported crashes in Galactic Adventures have been fixed.
Notes for Asymmetry Feature
We've added the ability to make your creations asymmetric in the editors! Hold down the "A" key while the mouse is over a limb or detail. The asymmetry icon appears on the cursor to indicate asymmetry is enabled.
Click and drag the part to a new location, it will separate from its normal symmetric partner and be free to move around the creation on its own.
Supported editors
• Creature Editor
• All Creature Outfitters
• All Vehicle Editors
• UFO Editor
• A + Click : Make a part asymmetric
• A + Drag : Move part asymmetrically
• A + Mousewheel : Scale part asymmetrically
• A + Drag from Palette : Create a new asymmetric part
• Control-F : While an asymmetric part is selected, will "flip" that part (for example will turn a left hand into a right hand, and vice versa)
• Once a part is asymmetric, you don't need to hold down the "A" key for manipulations.
• Once a part is asymmetric, it cannot be converted back to a symmetric part.
Budget Notes
Note that when you drag a part from the palette the money taken from your budget actually buys you two parts instead of one. Therefore if you use asymmetry to sell only *one* of those parts, you won't get any money back. Only when you sell the final part from the original pair of parts will you get the money back.
Along the same lines, it costs nothing to copy an asymmetric block that has been orphaned in this manner. In order to accomplish this, the editor internally keeps track of links between asymmetric parts.
What’s new with vehicle/creature interactions:
• You can now place the avatar, NPCs, and handheld objects on top of air, land, and sea vehicles in the GA editor
• Creatures will stick to the vehicle, and want to face the original direction they were placed with, while objects will tend to fall off
• For other players to benefit from riding on vehicles, they must install patch 5; in some cases, they may fail the level, or may not be able to complete it without updating
• There is an invisible shell around vehicles, to reduce physical complexity; players should choose their vehicle shapes carefully if they want it to look good when a creature walks on it
• To guarantee an NPC stays put on a vehicle, set their behavior to stay still
• Handheld objects placed on vehicles will stay on for a bit, but will fall off
• Air vehicles are very sensitive to wander mode; set air vehicles to path mode, especially if you want creatures to ride them, or they may be thrown off
• Air vehicles may damage some riding NPCs if they travel very fast; to avoid this, set the vehicle to be on the same team as the NPCs, or set the NPCs to be invincible
More detailed info on fixes & features in Patch 5 [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]
Important Note: While several crashes were fixed, as noted below, there may have been more than one root cause for similarly appearing crashes. If you're still seeing one of the issues below after patch 5, please let us know.
• Fix: Changing the icons of certain adventures causes them to not upload properly.
• Fix: Possible invalid preferences file could be generated by patch4, causing game to not start.
• Fix: If Patch4 is installed to a PC that is Japanese environment, the entered password is not valid and cannot login.
• Fix: Sporecast assets go missing if user quits game in any way while download is in progress.
• Fix for occasional crash: Entering planet view on any planet, especially enemy planet
• Fix for occasional crash: Trying to leave planet view, especially the home planet, especially if there was just an attack and buildings were rebuilt
• Fix for occasional crash: Loading saved game in Space stage
• Fix for occasional crash: Entering solar view from galaxy view on NPC system
• Fix for occasional crash: Galaxy view traveling to a new star by clicking on it
• Fix for occasional crash: Entering planet view on a Wildlife Sanctuary, especially after loading a saved game
• Fix for occasional crash: Game crashes when terraforming using Staff Of Life
• Fix: Entering Creature accessory editor from Tribe stage, Civ Stage, or Space stage could cause a freeze on several machines
• Fix: In Civ stage with tutorials/hints disabled, after cut scene after selecting city hall game freezes
• Fix: Lineages don’t always show correct parent creations
• Fix: Certain sporepedia cards show corrupted backgrounds
• Fix: Unable to reach Grox worlds in some Space stage scenarios
• Fix for occasional crash: Quickly pressing esc. to skip cinematic after avatar dies results in crash
• New: Lineage is displayed for all Asset Types
• Fix: Adventure Creator: In EP1 open gates were not working correctly when they were disguised.
• Fix for occasional crash: The ship versions of the game crash on exit
• Fix for occasional crash: The game crashes on load when the lighting settings are defaulted to medium or 2
• Fix for occasional crash: Unplugging earphones or speakers while in play mode cause spore to crash on some soundcards with Windows Vista.
• Fix for occasional crash: When exiting to the Galaxy game entry without saving Tribe game crashes
• Fix for occasional crash: Crash occurs when leaving planet in Space stage.
• Fix for occasional crash: Crash occurs when zooming into certain rare solar systems once they are ready to be purchased
• Feature: All building and vehicle textures available in building/vehicle/ufo editors without having to use the "paint like" button.
• Cheat is included that permits Creators to export creatures in Collada format for use in Maya. Creators must acknowledge and accept a Tools EULA to perform this operation. An additional cheat has been provided to enable highest quality textures to appear on vehicles, where it is supported by user hardware.
• And more!
Notes on the Collada Export Cheat:
Creatures exported with the new Collada exporter will automatically have diffuse map, normal map, and spec map applied to them when imported into Maya, 1 step!
• In the Creature Editor, with the creature ready switch to Paint Mode, name the creature, if it doesn't already have one
• Open the cheat window.
• Type: colladaexport
• Accept the EULA
• The file path to the exported creature will appear in the cheat window, ending with .dae
SPORE: 1.05.001 (+ backup de 1.04.000). AG: 1.01.000 (+ backup 1.0.000 ejecutable concurrente al 1.01). : Equivalente mediante edición manual de archivos. |
CharaToLoki- Capitán
- Barra de Respeto : Mensajes : 236
Sexo :
Edad : 23
Fecha de nacimiento : 11/09/2001
Localización : Earth's biosphere, the Solar System, the Milky Way, the Local Group, Virgo Supercluster
¿Algo que decir? : Primero, aunque use el Spore 1.05.001 con AG 1.01.000, a menos que diga lo contrario mis creaciones son compatibles como poco con la versión anterior 1.04 y AG 1.00.000 (que es la versión mínima del Aventuras Galácticas). Segundo, es que mi cuenta actual en mi Sporepedia local es "User", pero mis anteriores eran "andro" (mi antiguo Windows 10) y "Kinga" (en mi Windows XP).
Fecha de inscripción : 15/02/2021
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