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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light DL4SYdk

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light CVRdAIRJue 09 Ene 2025, 12:45 por Quincho96

» Cafguito
Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light CVRdAIRJue 09 Ene 2025, 11:43 por Quincho96

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light CVRdAIRJue 09 Ene 2025, 11:37 por FlairDreamer

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light CVRdAIRSáb 04 Ene 2025, 16:20 por Quincho96

» Quincho96
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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light CVRdAIRMar 31 Dic 2024, 19:05 por Hablar de cosas

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light Empty Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light

Mensaje por Kaiju Creations Jue 19 Dic 2024, 17:28

English: Emperor Onyx is destroying the Land of Light, home of the Ultras, with his army of monsters. Ultraman Centurion needs to help his brothers defeat them. Español: El Emperador Onyx está destruyendo la Tierra de la Luz, hogar de los Ultras, con su ejército de monstruos. Ultraman Centurion necesita ayudar a sus hermanos a derrotarlos.

English: This is my attempt at making a series of adventures! Español: ¡Éste es mi intento de hacer una serie de aventuras!




Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light IDUOd8n

Required creations (The Ultras here are dufferent from my first adventure) /Creaciones requeridas (Los Ultras aquí son diferentes a los de mi primera aventura):

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light XfXMVAm

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light PXpCje3

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light KiQamPG

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light 1VR6xVp

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light O4eknTj

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light NBEtwU9

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light Owt50os

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light 6pDg15H

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light CySZ1aO

Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light JwF3oIq

Required games and expansion packs/Juegos necesarios y paquetes de expansión:
Spore Creepy and Cute Aventuras Galácticas


Última edición por Kaiju Creations el Vie 27 Dic 2024, 13:32, editado 3 veces

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light Empty Re: Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light

Mensaje por FlairDreamer Vie 20 Dic 2024, 20:02

Looks good. For future reference though, some people upload adventures in .zip or .rar to a site like mediafire. Just sayin'.

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Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light Empty Re: Ultraman Centurion Ep. 1: Destruction of the Land of Light

Mensaje por UFHDE Lun 23 Dic 2024, 02:22

Cool usage of the creature parts. Smile

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