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Ultraman Vs. Eleking DL4SYdk

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por Kaiju Creations Vie 02 Ago 2024, 16:14

English: I did this to see if I could make the player look giant. I'm not good at adventures, so tell me if anything doesn't work.

Español: Hice esto para ver si podía hacer que el reproductor pareciera gigante. No soy bueno para las aventuras, así que dime si algo no funciona.

Ultraman Vs. Eleking J6jkC54

Required creations/Creaciones requeridas:
Ultraman Vs. Eleking 7FvKbbe
Ultraman Vs. Eleking S2bhNjw
Ultraman Vs. Eleking Tz3FnxI
Ultraman Vs. Eleking 8R73dN5
Ultraman Vs. Eleking JdUjIWL

Required games and expansion packs/Juegos necesarios y paquetes de expansión:
Spore Aventuras Galácticas


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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por El Destructor de Especies Vie 02 Ago 2024, 23:27

It looks interesting, I'll try it now.

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por FlairDreamer Lun 05 Ago 2024, 11:13

"Player" was translated like a reproductor player... I mean, when you reproduce music. "Jugador" is the correct translation in this case. "Jugador" is the person who plays something... like a football player. Or, in this case, the creature you use.
Kaiju Creations escribió:Español: Hice esto para ver si podía hacer que el reproductor jugador pareciera gigante. No soy bueno para las aventuras, así que dime si algo no funciona.

Welcome to our humble forum.

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por Davitroon Mar 06 Ago 2024, 06:45

That's an original idea! It could be great if the game would let you make your captain giant and making it slower like epic creatures, too bad Maxis is lazy Ejem...

Seems interesting, altough you could share some pictures and a nutshell of the adventure next time. By the way, welcome to the forum!

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por Kaiju Creations Mar 27 Ago 2024, 15:39

FlairDreamer escribió:"Player" was translated like a reproductor player... I mean, when you reproduce music. "Jugador" is the correct translation in this case. "Jugador" is the person who plays something... like a football player. Or, in this case, the creature you use.
Kaiju Creations escribió:Español: Hice esto para ver si podía hacer que el reproductor jugador pareciera gigante. No soy bueno para las aventuras, así que dime si algo no funciona.

Welcome to our humble forum.


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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por Kaiju Creations Mar 27 Ago 2024, 15:44

Davitroon escribió:That's an original idea! It could be great if the game would let you make your captain giant and making it slower like epic creatures, too bad Maxis is lazy Ejem...

Seems interesting, altough you could share some pictures and a nutshell of the adventure next time. By the way, welcome to the forum!

Yeah, I really wish you could have the captain change size, but for Ultraman, you'd also have to change into a different creature and I doubt Maxis would have thought of doing that. There wasn't really anything else to say about the adventure other than it's a fight scene :p

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

Mensaje por FlairDreamer Miér 28 Ago 2024, 11:47

Excuse me, [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]! We have a rule which we don't allow double post. This is a forum, not a chat-box whatsoever. Please take this in mind. If you want to add things to your message, click Ultraman Vs. Eleking I86VfBc on your post.

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Ultraman Vs. Eleking Empty Re: Ultraman Vs. Eleking

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